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Q. Can I pay my bill online?

Yes – you can pay your bill online using this link.

Q. Will you bill my insurance company?

A. If we obtained your insurance information and that type of service and your insurance is valid for that date of service and type of transport, we will bill your insurance for you.

Q. What if my insurance doesn't cover the service I need?

A. If your insurance doesn’t cover the service, you are responsible for the bill. Mercy Flight will politely work with you on establishing a payment plan that is suitable to your needs and financial status.

Q. I was transported by a volunteer ambulance, why do I have a bill from you?

A. Mercy EMS is contracted with several volunteer agencies to provide Advanced Life Support services when they are not otherwise available. Our highly trained Paramedics ride on your volunteer ambulance. In some areas, this cost may be reimbursed by your medical insurance.

Q. The nursing home, hospital, etc. arranged my transportation. Why did I get a bill?

A. Although someone else arranged your transport, the bill is your responsibility because you were the person being transported. Depending on the type of transportation you received, it may be covered by your medical insurance.

Q. What are Mercy Flight's privacy practices?

A. For a copy of our Notice of Privacy practices, click here.

Q. What is a PCS Form and why does the ambulance need it for transport?

A. The Physician Certification Statement (PCS) Form is written authorization from a Physician, Physician’s Assistant, Nurse practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Discharge Planner or Registered Nurse signifying that non-emergent transport by ambulance is medically necessary and the patient’s condition at the time of transport meets medical necessity requirements.

Medicare Insurance requires that a patient’s condition meet “Medical Necessity” requirements for transport by ambulance or they will not authorize payment. This means that transporting the patient by any other means is contraindicated by the patient’s condition at the time of transport. The Patient Care Report (PCR), along with a completed PCS Form, must clearly and accurately demonstrate medical necessity for an ambulance at the time of transport. By clicking the link, you can print, download and complete Mercy Flight WNY Physician Certification Statement.

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