The Bell 429 is the current helicopter Mercy Flight operates. The helicopter purchases were made possible with community support and donations, a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture and special, long-term financing through M&T Bank. It is a twin engine IFR capable aircraft with a cruising speed of 180 miles per hour and increased patient care space relative to our other aircraft. It offers both side and rear patient loading while also having a faster start up and shut down period allowing for safer transfers of patients and crew members to get in and out of the aircraft.
Mercy Flight 5, 6, 8, 9
Bell 429

Mercy Flight 3
Lear Jet 31
The Lear Jet 31 is an aircraft provided through cooperation with Thunderun Aviation. Thunderun provides the pilots and the aircraft while we provide the medical crews to transport patients for greater distances around Western New York and beyond. It has an array of appropriate medical equipment and can fly up to 51,000 feet with a top speed of 525 miles per hour and can travel 1400 nautical miles on one tank of fuel.

Erie County Air One
A-Star 350 B2
The 350 B2 is a single engine aircraft capable of cruising speeds of 120 miles per hour. Through Mercy Flight’s long standing relationship with the Erie County Sheriff’s Department, we can utilize this aircraft to provide additional resources should the need arise. The aircraft and it’s pilots are supplied by the Erie County Sheriff’s Department and supplemented with a Mercy Flight Paramedic.

Fly Cars
Fly cars are primarily used by the on-duty Crew Chiefs for Genesee County & Springville but also have them available to on-call providers and our flight teams to be used for system support if needed. They are equipped with state of the art technology to include Panasonic CF-19 Aegis Mobile CAD and GPS reporting, 800mhz digital trunked radio system for inter-operability of multi-agency responses, and an array of ALS equipment as mandated by New York State for emergency ambulance service vehicles.

Primary Ambulance Fleet
Our primary fleet of ambulances are comprised of late model gasoline and diesel powered Ford E-350 Type 2 Wheeled Coach ambulances that meet and exceed the NYS Part 800 requirements as mandated to be considered a certified ambulance. As the E-350 Type 2 ambulances are phasing out, Mercy Flight is transitioning to Ford Transit vehicles. We operate both Advanced and Basic Life Support ambulances that respond to calls for assistance of all types. We have top of the line patient care equipment including: Stryker Power Stretchers; Stryker tracked stair chairs, Philips 12-Lead ECG monitors, RescueNET EPCR web-based patient care reporting software and King Vision Video Laryngoscopes. Our ambulances are geared towards safety with LED warning light systems, Panasonic CF-19 Aegis Mobile Computer Aided Dispatch and GPS reporting as well as a strict maintenance schedule.

Specialty Care Ambulances
Ford E-350 Type 3 Demers
Our Specialty Care Ambulances are Ford E-350 Type 3 Demers Ambulances. They are used by on duty crews as our Specialty Care and Critical Care Transport unit and for Bariatric transportation. These ambulances are equipped with the same array of NYS required medical equipment but have additional equipment to handle the needs of patients for longer distance transports. It carries a ventilator with appropriate tubing for adult and pediatric patients and Sigma Spectrum IV pumps. It has larger oxygen cylinders and is supplied with on-board medical air. These ambulances are equipped with our Stryker Power Load and Power Stretcher system to assist with crew safety and patient comfort.

Event Transport
Kubota ATV
Our Kubota ATV is primarily utilized for special event services such as Live Nation at Darien Lake Theme Park and local events where a normal vehicle would be inaccessible. It is equipped with appropriate medical equipment for patient care, LED emergency lighting and a rear module that can accommodate both medical and trauma patients. It can transport patients to a Mercy EMS First Aid Station inside an event; to a waiting ambulance for transport to the hospital; or directly to a pre-designated landing zone for helicopter transport.