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Meet Mercy Flight’s Biggest Fan

By December 10, 2019No Comments

By Leah Czerwinski

Mercy Flight is a beloved nonprofit organization that receives support and recognition by thousands of people in Western New York, but eight year old Colin Weaver is Mercy Flight’s number-one fan. Colin started visiting Mercy Flight when he was just two years old. Since then, the Depew resident visits two to three times a week!

When he isn’t hanging out at our base, you can find Colin at Maryvale Elementary School. The soon to be third grader told us about his future plans, “I want to work here! As a pilot or paramedic of course.” Although he may only have eight years under his belt, Colin already has a plan for how he is going to make his dream a reality. “When I am 14 or 15 years old I want to get my first aircraft”, he shared.

Every time Colin visits his friends at Mercy Flight, he documents it with a photo. Weaver has hundreds of photos of our birds, BK’s and Bell’s alike. At our 2019 Open House, Colin showed us his Mercy Flight scrapbook and all of the hard work that went into it.

During his frequent visits, Colin has gotten to know our team at Mercy Flight. The pilots, paramedics, nurses, maintenance staff, and everyone in between, have welcomed him in with open arms. Colin’s never ending love and passion for our life-saving mission reminds us why we do what we do.

This fall, Colin was able to finally get up for a ride in one of our birds. He served as our acting patient during a photoshoot with Vertical 911 Magazine. To say he was excited would be an understatement.

Thank you Colin for all your love and support!

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